Eph 1:3-10                                                      Monday Evenings

Praise to the God and Father * of our Lord Jesus Christ!

For every spiritual blessing * in the heavenly world * he has given us through Christ.


    God chose us in him * before the world’s foundation

    to be holy * and faultless before him.


       From love he had already decided * that through Jesus Christ

           he would adopt us bring us as his sons; * this was his pleasure and purpose)

               to the praise of his glorious grace, * which he freely gave us in the Beloved!

           Through his blood we are set free, * and our sins are forgiven.

       So rich is the grace of God, * which he lavished on us.


    With perfect wisdom and insight * God has made known to us * the mystery of his purpose,

    in line with his loving intention * he had decided to complete through Christ.


He will act in the fullness of time * and bring all creation together,

with Christ as head.* over all in heaven and on earth.



To Song of Mary


To Greek